Co-Curricular Activities
Vivekananda Study Circle
The Study Circle was inaugurated in 1974 with a view to inspire the staff and students of this College with the ideals of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. A regular study of the Ramakrishna – Vivekananda literature and other important Hindu scriptures is done under the inspiring guidance of the Rector Maharaj. The student wing is studying Life and Works of Swami Vivekananda. Students who attend classes regularly will get a certificate at the end. Classes are generally held once or twice a week during lunch recess. Those who want to join the Study Circle may contact the Professor-in-charge of the Study Circle.
There are seven projects functioning in the College.
They are:
Photographic Club
Public Speaking Club
Fine Arts Club
Numismatics & Epigraphic Club
Viveka Nature Club
All the students and staff are eligible to become members of these clubs. The primary objective of Co-curricular projects is to unearth the hidden talents of the students, provide an all-round development in them and given them chance to express themselves. Further particulars can be had from the Professor-in-charge of each activity.
College Magazine
VIVEKA is the name of the College magazine brought out in March every year. There is an Editorial Committee consisting of the Principal, a Chief Editor and some members of the staff nominated by the Principal as the Assistant Editors and the Student President of the College Union.
Articles (in English, Tamil, Sanskrit or Hindi, sketches and photographs by the students, alumni and members of the staf are published in the magazine. Curricular of the co-curricular activities of the College are also presented in the form of reports.
Apart from providing intellectual, physical, cultural and religious training to the students, the College brings out through this Magazine the latent creative talents of promising students by encouraging them to produce creative works of art and also share their knowledge with others. In order to encourage self-expression by the students, prizes are awarded to them for the best contributions every year. The Magazine is a record of all the activities-curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular, that take place in a year.