
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College Autonomous
Examinations Gateway

RKMVC Controller of Examinations

Examination Cell

As the College (Day & Evening) is an Autonomous Institution, the College has an Examination Cell which is responsible for the conduct of semester end examinations and the publication of results thereafter.

Examination Cell

Dr. S. Krishnan M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.      Controller of Examinations

Sri K. Vijayakumar M.Sc.  Asst. Controller of Examinations

Instruction For Students Regarding Examination – Day College Please Download this Presentation

Instruction For Students Regarding Examination – Evening College Please Download this Presentation

Information regarding different aspects of the Examinations are detailed below:

1. Continuous Internal Assesment (CIA)
The results of the candidates are based on CIA done at their departments and valuation of the end semester exam papers at the centralized valuation camp.

The Continuous Internal Assessment component consists of 40% for the assignments and course related work, 40% for tests and 20% for tests of paper-related skills to be decided by the course teacher (total marks will be calculated as follows: 25 marks for CIA and 75 marks for semester end examination)

The marks earned in the CIA once will be carried forward to other semesters too, if the student were to write the same paper again as arrears having failed or been absent in the previous attempt. The marks of the CIA are released to the students by the last working day of each semester.

2. Semester End Examinations
Controller’s office arranges and conducts the semester end examinations and declares the results of candidates.

Odd semester examinations are conducted in November and that of even semester examination in April-May. Practical examination/Project Viva is also held along with the semester end examinations.

Examination Cell seeks the help of a Chief Superintendent of Exams and Valuation Camp coordinator each year to assist the Examination Cell in the conduct of the exams and valuation of the papers every year. While one department takes charge of conducting the examinations (with HOD of that department as Chief Superintendent), another department takes charge of
valuation camp (with HOD of that department as Camp Co-coordinator) in each academic year.

Chief Superintendent of exams manages the conduct of semester end examinations. Valuation of the answer scripts are undertaken at the central valuation camp headed by a Camp Officer..

Valuation of answer scripts is done centrally at the camp. Internal and external examiners valuate answer scripts for both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

3. Applications

Application forms for appearing in the semester end examinations are issued and received in August and January for the respective semesters (Odd & Even).

All particulars in the examination application form are to be checked/filled-in carefully.

  • The COE office is not responsible for incorrect spelling/name/erroneous entries in the application.
  • Incomplete application in any respect is liable to be rejected without any notice.
  • Candidates should register compulsorily for all the arrear papers along with the regular papers. The fee once paid will in no circumstances be refunded or adjusted for the subsequent examinations.
  • Candidates with arrears should attach the Xerox copy of the respective semester mark statement along with the application form.
  • Candidates who have earned 75% of attendance (both Theory and Practicals) are eligible to appear for the semester examinations

4. Examination Fee Details

1UG-TheoryRs. 100/- per paper
2UG-PracticalRs. 150/- per paper
3PG-TheoryRs. 200/- per paper
4PG-PracticalRs. 250/- per paper
5ProjectRs. 400/- per paper
6Cost of ApplicationRs. 50/- per form
7Statement of MarksRs. 50/- for each
8Provisional CeritificateRs. 100/-
9ConvocationRs. 150/-
10Consolidated Mark StatementRs. 500/-
11Course Completion CeriticateRs. 50/-

5. Examination Time-table

Examination time table is released by October first week and March second week for the Odd Semester and Even Semester examinations respectively.

6. Examination Hall

  • Candidates will not be allowed inside the examination hall without proper HALL TICKET and IDENTITY CARD
  • Candidates should be seated in the examination hall at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination
  • Candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination hall 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination
  • Candidates should verify whether they are provided with relevant question paper and thereafter begin writing the examination
  • Candidates may be allowed to leave the hall 60 minutes after the commencement of the examination
  • Attendance sheet is to be signed by the candidate at every session of the examination
  • Mobile phones, scientific calculators, programmable calculators will not be allowed inside the examination hall. Simple calculators shall be allowed. But they cannot be lent to any other candidate
  • Students should hand over the answer scripts to the Hall Superintendent in person
  • Malpractice or misconduct of any kind by the student is punishable. The examinations written by such students will be treated as cancelled, and no re-examination will be conducted for them
  • Candidates must observe silence and maintain discipline in the examination hall

7. Panel of Examiners

The panel of examiners for different subjects both in the Aided and Self-financing stream is drawn with the help of the respective Heads of the departments / Chairman, Board of Studies, in the month of July ( for Odd semester examinations ) and January (for Even semester examinations).

The question papers are scrutinized by the external examiners and Chairman, Board of Studies, before the conduct of semester end examination.

8. Declaration and Publication of Results

A student is considered to have passed a paper if and only if he has scored not less than 40% in the semester end exam (both CIA + Semester end exam for undergraduate level) and 50% (CIA + semester end exam) in the case of postgraduate studies. All students should necessarily have secured 40% of marks in the external examination (though there is no minimum pass for internals)

A meeting of the passing boards is held after all the valuation and other examination related works are over. The results are declared in the month of December for odd semester and in June for even semester.

By the third week of December and the second week of June, the results are sent to the respective departments. Mark statements are subsequently sent to the departments before the first week of July and first week of January for the respective Odd & Even semesters.

9. Revaluation

  • Students of VI semester of UG and IV semester of PG alone are eligible for revaluation provided the student has failed in any ONE paper in his final semester. He should also have CLEARED all the other papers in the first five semesters.
  • Those who wish to apply for revaluation have to apply first to the Controller of Examinations for obtaining the photocopy of the relevant answer script by paying Rs. 200 in the prescribed form
  • After scrutiny of the photocopy, the student, if interested in revaluation, has to get the recommendation of the HOD in the prescribed form along with a fee of Rs. 550 for revaluation.
  • The marks awarded in the revaluation will be final
  • All letters in connection with the examinations should be addressed to the Controller of Examinations
  • The results of the revaluation will be intimated to the students displayed on the notice board at the office of the Controller of Examinations

10. Supplementary Examinations

  • Normally, Supplementary examinations are held in the month of July every year
  • Students of VI semester of UG and IV semester of PG alone are eligible to write the supplementary examinations.
  • The aforesaid students should not have more than ONE arrear paper in their VI semester UG and IV semester PG.
  • Application form for supplementary examination could be obtained from the COE’s office and the filled up form along with the proof of fees paid should reach the COE’s office before the prescribed date
  • Rs 250/- for UG theory paper and Rs 100/- for cost of application and mark statement (total of Rs 350/-)
  • Rs 350/- for PG theory paper and Rs 100/- for cost of application and mark statement (total of Rs 450/-)

11. Provisional and Degree Certificates

A copy of the results of the successful final year students are sent to the Madras University in July and January and the University issues provisional certificates to the students and the degree certificates after the convocation through the college. Provisional Pass Certificate can be had from the Controller of Examinations, University of Madras.

12. Other Certificates

Students are issued course completion certificates and consolidated mark statements with credits once they have passed all their papers. Rank certificates for eligible students are issued during the College Day.

Duplicate Degree Grade/Mark Sheets are not ordinarily issued. The students should apply to the Controller of Examinations, for obtaining them.

13. Clarifications

For any clarification, contact Principal/ Controller of Examinations/Chairman, Board of Studies.

Contact Details: 

Controller of Examinations: Dr. S. Krishnan.
Phone: 044-24993052
email: [email protected]