Seminars and Special Lectures Conducted by VINSTROM:
- Conducted a One-day research training for research scholars in “Some methods in the study of microfungi.” on 16.06.2022. This was funded by DST-SERB under Scientific Social Responsibility of the research project sanctioned by SERB to Dr. M. B. Govinda Rajulu.
- Conducted a Two-day workshop on “Some methods to strengthen research efforts in Biology” (13.09.2022 & 14.09.2022) for biology teachers of colleges and universities. This was funded by DST-SERB under Scientific Social Responsibility of the research project sanctioned by SERB to Dr. M. B. Govinda Rajulu.
- On the Decennial occasion of VINSTROM conducted “A seminar on the need for a national genetic resource of technologically important fungi” on 20.02.2015.
Scientific Talk 2008
“Distinguished scientist Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Dr.Sidney Altman is Sterling Professor of Molecular cellular & Developmental Biology at Yale University Visited VINSTROM(26th April 2008)”.
Secretary Swamy Atmaghanandaji Speech |
Director Dr.T.S.Suryanarayanan-Scientific Talk |
Nobel Laureate Dr.Sidney |
- The hidden world of endophytic fungi mediating plant-insect interactions-talk by Prof. Dr. Stefan Vidal, Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany-14.04.2012.
- Research Ethics-A Discussion-Prof.Daniel farrell (Department of Philosopy, The Ohio State University, Columbus) and Prof. Shailendra Gajanan (Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford) – 15.12.2009.
- Nobel laureate Prof. Sidney Altman delivered a lecture on “Lessons from RNase P” organized by VINSTROM on 26.04.2008.
- Biodiversity Day programme” on 15.12.2007 with united States of Educations Fundation in India (USEFI).
- Symposium on “Pharmaceuticals and lead compounds from bacteria, fungi and plants” was conducted on 06.12.2007, inaugural address by Prof. Virendra Lal Chopra, Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India.
- An international symposium on Biodiversity and Molecular evolution” was conducted on 18.07.2007, inaugural address by Dr. K. Venkataraman, National Biodiversity Authority, Govt. of India.
- A workshop on contemporary research avenues in the biosciences” was conducted on 03.07.2006, inaugural address by Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, Chairman, National Commission on Farmers, Govt. of India and Pugwash Conferences on Science & World affairs.