Business Administration

The Department offers B.B.A course.
The BBA course was started in 2004 under the Department of Commerce and Management Studies. In 2006, an independent department, the Department of Business Administration, was started which has been since then offering the BBA course.
The Department always believes in the diktat that Management Education cannot be imparted through text-books only, so the students are motivated to actively participate in co-curricular and extra activities.
The students are trained to be humble, honest & courteous, to learn from mistakes & avoid repeating them, to be firm in pursuing core values, in being open-minded about learning from people better than us, to embrace meritocracy, in being firm in taking strict decisions, to recognize one’s own weakness.
What makes the BBA course of this department the best is the benchmarked curriculum coached by seasoned professional teachers, with warm teacher-student relationship, real-time projects, and special emphasis on co and extra curricular activities.
The Department has a vibrant student association with good alumni contact and fraternal relationship between seniors and juniors.
The Department now has a strength of 7 teaching staff (full time and part-time) and 206 UG students.
Highly trained and experienced professionals with a great understanding of the subjects are invited to teach the students as Visiting Faculty. They enjoy teaching their areas of specialization and also share tips and tools of the management techniques that they acquire after many years of experience in the corporate world.
Career Opportunities
The BBA course in this department adequately equips the students to pursue M.B.A., M.A (HRM), M.S., M.A Social Work., M.A (Mass Communication & Public Relations), Law, CA, CWA and Corporate Secretaryship.
Since the department strives to create professionals and not just graduates, there have been many budding entrepreneurs too. The BBA courses continuously strive to motivate the students to start their own businesses or strengthen their family businesses.
Contact Details
Department of Business Administration Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda (Evening) College
70-72 P.S. Sivaswami Salai
Mylapore, Chennai
Tamilnadu 600004, India
Email:[email protected]