Vision And Mission


  • To realize the educational vision of Swami Vivekananda- ‘The manifestation of perfection already in man’
  • To actualize Swami Vivekananda’s fundamental educational ideals of imparting life-giving, man-making, and character-building education.
  • To develop an educational system wherein the rich and spiritual heritage of our country with its hoary tradition of values like the sacredness of knowledge, shraddha, purity, devotion to truth, etc., are taught on the one hand; and on the other, are taught the secular values of scientific temper, rational investigation into the truth of the world we live in, objectivity of approach through science and technology, work efficiency, team work, etc.


  • Imparting “Man-making and Character-building” education as practically illustrated by Swami Vivekananda.
  • Promoting and undertaking the study of and research in the arts/humanities, sciences, technologies and in all their branches, both basic and applied.
  • Training students in the above mentioned various branches of knowledge and empowering them to achieve their learning goals.
  • Undertaking industry oriented educational work
  • Pursuing cultural and social welfare activities in service of the masses.